Deep Within a Blueberry Sky

There’s a saying that goes, “Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.”
“Deep Within a Blueberry Sky” captures the essence of this saying and its positive benefits both literally and philosophically, and carries them to new heights. On the literal side, this story has a loving, devoted grandfather by the name of Poppy Tom giving his granddaughter, an energetic seven-year-old named Sarah, the opportunity to go fly-fishing. On the philosophical side, he uses this exercise to teach her, over a period of years, not only the finer points of fly-fishing, but even more relevantly, lessons in the finer points of life that Sarah absorbs like a sponge and utilizes to great success.
“Deep Within a Blueberry Sky” exemplifies the quintessential elements of what the selfless acts of giving and teaching, both profound offerings of love, really signify, and the tremendous good that comes, as a result.
This story emotionally and intimately immerses the reader into an epic coming-of-age journey that Poppy Tom, and as we come to realize, his now deceased wife Grandma Jennie designed for their granddaughter. The reader is escorted along with Sarah, through a world where good grows on trees like so many green leaves and there are no-limits to what one can do, as long as they believe in themselves, in spite of any challenges they may think they have, and what a jaded world says they have.
As in all journeys in life, no effort is without its trials, tribulations and setbacks. Sarah’s journey is no different. It’s by the attributes of this solid, keenly devised, and intricately implemented plan by her caring, dedicated grandparents that Sarah gains the confidence, perseverance and bravery she needs to overcome any challenges, real or perceived, and achieve the ultimate accomplishment.
“Deep Within a Blueberry Sky” celebrates all that is good in people and all that is good in all things. It also reveals to the reader by the use of deep, powerful prose, a full range of emotions spanning from the depths of one’s soul to the highest mountaintop.

The Back Cover
Sarah, a spunky seven-year-old, thinks she and her family are on their way to visit her grandfather for their typical summer getaway. Sarah soon learns that this year will be different. Sarah’s grandfather, Poppy Tom, will be implementing a plan using the elements of a beautifully penned poem lovingly devised by him and Sarah’s late grandmother, Jennie, that embarks Sarah on an enchanting journey of adventure and discovery—including of her inner-self—that spans decades.
As the plan is put into action and Sarah’s journey unfolds, we learn why her dedicated grandparents felt it necessary to provide their granddaughter with the tools and defense mechanisms she needs to succeed in an often challenging and unforgiving world.
Deep Within a Blueberry Sky emotionally immerses the reader into the inner workings of this ambitious plan that, if successful, confirms there are no limits or barriers to what a person can accomplish, no matter what their condition or circumstances. It simultaneously guides the reader, every step of the way, with Sarah on her daring and undaunted effort to overcome her “burdens” and achieve what just might be the richest reward.
Will Poppy Tom’s and Grandma Jennie’s plan work? Will Sarah be up to the task?
The ultimate of discoveries and triumphs await Sarah—and the reader, too—if she rises to the challenge and succeeds.