The Wayne Library Foundation hosted a book signing featuring Wayne first-time author, Jeffrey J. Antonucci, on May 2 in the main gallery of the Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey. To an overflowing audience, the author gave a presentation about how he was inspired to write his novel, Deep Within a Blueberry Sky. He then read selected excerpts from the book.
The talk was followed by a spirited question and answer session. It was then, a woman in the audience suddenly raised her hand and without hesitation expressed in great detail, thoughts and emotions evoked in her just by viewing the cover of “Deep Within a Blueberry Sky.” She later wrote an email to the author in which she expanded on those thoughts and emotions. Here is an excerpt of that email:
“Life is surely a series of gates to be entered that once inside may lead one to paths smooth and rocky where we may enter deep and dark forests and mountains to climb. For those that immerse themselves fully in the journey and prevail there are lessons to be learned, accomplishments attained and light to be found. The title and illustration on your book cover capture that in a provocative manner that is inviting to the mind’s eye. If we embrace life with “love” in our hearts in all the forms you spoke of, then we will travel through paths that are smooth and rocky entering gates to the unknown and sometimes dark places but in the end warmth and light will come and majesty will fill our souls. Congratulations on writing your first novel. I look forward to reading it.”
— Lori M. Audience Member
After that stirring and emotional moment, the Author autographed books. For each book purchased, a donation was made to the Wayne Library Foundation.
For anyone who couldn’t attend the book signing, but would still like to benefit the foundation, books can be purchased by clicking below: